First song sung by a computer

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Song lyrics are like poems which are sung by someone, that is the reason why the background of this final project uses lyrics to be analyzed because through literary work, in this case song lyrics, some aspects of human real life are exist and appear in human neighborhood. In literature it could be learned to identify some human characters or any value that prevails in our society, such as feelings or emotions. Everyone has the same chance to see each other. Although they are not familiar with each other may be a hero for someone. Another idea defines that heroism is more about character than actions with moral concepts. In a short definition, heroism is courage. Heroism is an attitude that usually based on emotion assembling in the form of fear, affection, love, anxiety, anger, guilt, responsibility and ownership also care towards some areas.

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The final project intends to analyze the aspects of heroism reflected in lyrics of “Go the Distance” sung by Michael Bolton and “Hero” by Mariah Carey. Keywords: Emotion, Heroism, Morality, Personal Qualities and Song. Pd., Advisor II: Dwi Anggara Asianti, S.S, M. The Aspects of Heroism Reflected in Go The Distance Sung by Michael Bolton and Hero by Mariah Carey. PDF (The Aspects of Heroism Reflected in Go The Distance Sung by Michael Bolton and Hero by Mariah Carey.)